Offmore Primary School

Welcome to Offmore Primary School

Year 3 - Doves


A very warm welcome to Year 3 Doves! Our class teacher is Miss Santo and we have Mrs Millward who will also be supporting the children.

Key information

Learning Powers

The children can earn points for using their learning powers. These include:

Busy Bee power- given for active learning, such as being focused.

Unicorn powers are given for playing and exploring, using a 'can do' approach.

Magnifying powers are given for creating and thinking critically, such as using learning walls independently to further own learning.


Physical Education

We will be having outdoor PE on a Monday and indoor PE on a Friday. Please ensure your child wears correct PE kit to school on these days. Please ensure earrings are removed on PE days unless the children can take them out by themselves.

Home Learning

This year home learning will focus on three key areas – reading, spelling and times tables. The school expectations for Year 3 are as follows:


Reading diaries need to be in every day and will  be checked once a week. Children need to read, at home, a minimum of three times a week, and we ask you to record your child’s efforts in their Reading Diary. Reading is a key skill which children will need to access every area of the curriculum, so practising little and often is essential to build their confidence, competence and a love of reading.

Times tables 

Children need to be practising their times tables. This can be through logging onto their Times Table Rockstars account three times a week as well as playing several games online.  If the children wanted to have a bit of a sing and dance whilst practising their times tables then there are lots of different times tables songs on the BBC SuperMovers website.  

Furthermore, children need to be completing one unit of Maths Flex a week to consolidate their understanding of the maths learning that has occurred within school. 


Spellings are set on a Monday and can be found in their diaries. The children will practise their spelling throughout the week and apply this in their written work. They will be tested the following Monday. 

EdShed has lots of games that can help the children with general spelling rules. It is a great website where children play games to practise learning Year 3 spelling rules. Your child will have additional spellings added weekly on EdShed to practise so please ensure these are learnt as well.

Useful resources 

   Maths Flex 

Our Topic

Click below to see what we are learning about:

Lower Key Stage Two - What are your children learning?

Photos of our learning environment and amazing work: