Offmore Primary School

Welcome to Offmore Primary School

Kidderminster Primary Schools Alliance


A joint partnership between Chaddesley Corbett Primary School, Comberton Primary School, Offmore Primary School & St Catherine’s CE Primary School.

The aims of the partnership are:

To improve the outcomes in the key areas of teaching and learning, behavior and well-being and achievement through:

  • Collaboration - the sharing of expertise, good practice, knowledge and data
  • Increased capacity (shared common policies and resources)
  • Better opportunities for high quality professional development
  • Shared quality assurance - school to school visits (similar to Ofsted) and
  • moderation (ensuring assessment judgements are fair and accurate)
  • Improved economies of scale (for example bulk purchasing, shared costs)

Benefits of the alliance

  • Sharing resources and provisions and expertise across the schools particularly for curriculum subject leadership,
  • Shared professional development for staff and the schools are able to build on established classroom approaches,
  • Allowing all staff to collaborate and improve standards in all schools (eg Metacognition work),
  • The cost effectiveness of shared work (such as CPD), makes previously unaffordable training accessible for all schools.

KPSA Events 2023 - 24

We have been pleased to work collaboratively through

  • Cookley hosted Reading & Maths Competitions – May 2023
  • St Catherine’s led balance ability sessions with Reception – June 2023
  • Offmore led an upper KS2 Football tournament – July 2023
  • Chaddesley organised an orienteering morning – September 2023
  • Musical theatre day at Comberton – November 2023

Upcoming events:

  • Cookley hosted Reading & Maths Competitions – May 2024
  • St Catherine’s Arts Day – May 2024
  • Offmore sports tournament – July 2024


KPSA letter to parents