Offmore Primary School

Welcome to Offmore Primary School

Art & D&T


Birmingham Art Gallery Visit - 25.2.2020 (Kestrels)

Our intent for Art

Art at Offmore is highly engaging, creative, aspirational and cross curricular.  We encourage children to investigate the lives and work of both local and famous artists, so that they have ambitions and an appreciation of how Art shapes our history and contributes to the culture and creativity of our nation.  We provide children with meaningful, challenging opportunities to develop and extend knowledge and skills and to express their individual interests, thoughts and ideas.”

Aspirations for Art

Our children will learn about the work of a range of artists, artisans and designers.  Such as Barbara Hepworth, Andy Goldsworthy, Claude Monet and LS Lowry.  From this they will see that they could have a future career as illustrators, weavers, designers which could lead to jobs in media, film and theatre.  Hopefully they will see that their Art knowledge and skills can open many doors for the future!   

Non-Negotiables for Arts Learning Journey

  • The whole sequence of learning should be evidenced within the sketch book and a copy of the final piece should be in the Learning Journey.
  • Front cover for Term Topic
  • Art skills and knowledge should be taught through topics where possible to ensure real world application.
  • Every piece of work has a skills and knowledge based Art learning objective.
  • Inspiration- Every topic has a local or famous Artist focus.
  • Developing ideas- explore ideas, materials and techniques.
  • Practise the knowledge and skill
  • Encourage children to talk about their work and reflect on it/evaluate their next steps to put into the final piece.
  • Final art piece- photo evidence put into learning journey.
  • Marking to reflect Offmore marking policy.

Art - Skills and knowledge organiser

art knowledge and skills progression 1 .pdf


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development in Art



Our intent  for D&T

D&T at Offmore is riveting, relevant, practical and aspirational for our children to become independent, creative, problem solvers and thinkers as individuals and as part of a team.  We engage our children with exciting, industry relevant lessons and provide them with opportunities to apply what they learn in maths and science, so that they may choose a future in engineering

Aspirations for D&T




Non negotiables for D&T 

•Starting point has to be to design and make a product that solves real and relevant problems. (Riveting, relevant, problem solvers)

•Have an aspirational designer past or present for children to reflect upon.

•Design (Creative) •Make (practical)


•Every piece of work has a skilled based D&T learning objective, and wherever possible link work to science, maths, computing and Art.


D&T- Skills and knowledge organiser

dt skills and knowledge progression document.pdf


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development in D&T


dt docx.pdf


ART and D&T in the Early Years

art eyfs.pdf

Understanding Our Differences

Here at Offmore we like to celebrate our difference and there is no better way to do this than through the arts. Art and Design is all about expressing yourself, about trying new things and celebrating both success and failures. 

 "Art is not what you see,  but what you make others see" - Edgar Degas

Local Community

Being at the top of the school comes with both opportunity and responsibility. Here at Offmore, we understand that the transition to high school can be a daunting process and we try to support the children to feel as prepared as possible. Through the Arts we are able to make links with our local high school, giving the children a chance to get to know King Charles staff and start to familiarise themselves with the school. This is also a wonderful opportunity for our year 5 and 6 children to use King Charles’ fantastic facilities.

Working with the Textiles teacher, the year 5 and 6 children have created these sunning pieces. Choosing one of our Offmore Values, the children designed and produced their own puzzle piece - using a range of different textile techniques, including: sewing, transfers and printing. These amazing works of art are on show as part of our ‘Heart of the Curriculum’ display, come and take a look.

Offmore's outside art gallery