Offmore Primary School

Welcome to Offmore Primary School


Year 5 & 6 - Falcons

The class teachers are Mrs O'Driscoll and Mrs McCrossan along with our teaching assistant, Mrs Adamson.

 In our class, we strive to show the school’s core value of respect through our words and actions. We earn respect stickers and badges by demonstrating our core value all around school, not just in our classroom.

Key information



We have PE on Mondays (outdoor) and Thursdays (indoor) so please make sure you come in your kit.  Please make sure your child comes to school in their P.E. kit on these days wearing their house color rugby shirt or hoodie. Please make sure your child does not wear jewellery on these days and long hair should be tied back. 


Home learning

Reading – Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Our expectation is for the children to read five  times per week. Pupils will be entered into a weekly raffle every time they achieve three entries or more in their diary each week. It is important to hear your child read regularly and discuss the books with them. Ask them to recall and retrieve information they have read, discuss how characters may be feeling at different stages of a story or look up new vocabulary and use in a sentence. 

Times Tables Rock Stars – we should log into TTRS at least 3 times per week so that we know our times tables and this will help us with all the other areas of Maths. 

EdShed/Spellings – Spellings are set on a Monday and tested the following Monday. It is an expectation that we practise them regularly either on paper or through EdShed; this will help us to apply our knowledge in our writing. 

Maths Flex – Our new, exciting Maths homework is a personalised programme that responds to the needs of every child, based on questions we answer correctly and incorrectly. The work is set in blocks of objectives so they usually last longer than a week and we can work through the questions at times that suit us during the week. In order to get the most out of Maths Flex, it is recommended that we spend at least one hour per week on it. This can be all in one go or a few times a week for a little while each time. 

Learning Powers

The children can earn points for using their learning powers. These include:

Busy Bee power- given for active learning, such as being focused.

Unicorn powers are given for playing and exploring, using a 'can do' approach.

Magnifying powers are given for creating and thinking critically, such as using learning walls independently to further own learning.


Useful resources  


Our Topic

Click below to see what we are learning about:

Upper Key Stage Two - Parents information - What are your children learning?


Photos of our learning environment and amazing work: