Staying Safe Online
All the information below is provided by the Thinkuknow programme. It is founded on 5 values to ensure safe, effective and child-centred delivery of online safety education.
Professionals using Thinkuknow resources are expected to commit to the Thinkuknow values, and ensure that each value is reflected in their own practice.
- Safeguarding first - the safety and wellbeing of each child always comes first
- Approach from the perspective of the child - let children start the conversation. Understand what the online world means to them and explore the positive opportunities it presents, as well as the risks.
- Promote dialogue and understanding - young people are safest when they feel listened to and understood - and know that they can ask trusted adults for help when they need it.
- Empower and enable children - children have the right to be protected from harm, and to be supported to build knowledge, skills and confidence which will them identify risk and access support when they need it.
- Never frighten or scare-monger - alarmist education can be risky and ineffective. Avoid shocking or scaring young people, their families or other professionals.
- Challenge victim blaming attitudes - we all have a responsibility to challenge victim-blaming whenever it arises. Thinkuknow helps young people understand that abuse is never the fault of those who have been harmed, and builds their confidence to ask a trusted adult for help when they need it.
Parenting in a Digital World
parenting in a digital world online 2024.pdf
UNICEF support
Unicef parenting, child-care, video-games explainer
Take part in the Quiz to see how internet savvy you are!
You will find below sections on: video calling, video games, sharing images, live streaming and social media. There are activities and videos to watch that support each section and links to follow (press ctrl and click to open).
Video Calling
Professionals and parents and carers have told us that children are using video-chatting apps and sites to access learning and keep in touch with friends and family.
A new Parent Info article looks at some of the things you should think about to make sure their child's experience of video chat is safe and fun:
Video chatting: a guide for parents and carers of primary school-age children
Benefits of video games
Access your fifth #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack with new activities for parents and carers to use at home:
Many children are likely to be spending more time playing video games during lockdown. While some of you may be worried about this, it's important to recognise the positive experiences video games can bring.
This Parent Info article explores the hidden benefits of playing video games, and how you can help create a safe and enjoyable gaming experience for your child.
This video explores in game chat. It's important you understand why your children will chat online, what risks there are and what measures you can take to protect them while they’re playing their favourite games.
Sharing Images
All of these packs explore sharing images:
CEOP's surveys have shown that screen time has been a key concern for many parents and carers over the lockdown period. However, high-quality screen time can offer opportunities for learning, staying connected and boosting digital resilience.
Two new Parent Info articles take a look at:
- What questions parents and carers should be asking about screen time
- 6 fun online activities to boost your child's digital resilience
This video guide explores the positives and the risks of sharing images online and offer practical advice for you on:
- What you can do to reduce risks and;
- How you can seek help if you're concerned about an image that's been shared.
Live Streaming
No doubt you've heard children (and maybe a few adults) talk about the latest Tik Tok challenges or their favourite celebrity's lockdown live stream.
These packs explore how children and young people can stay safe while live streaming:
A new Parent Info article explores how Tik Tok works, the parental controls available, and how you can help your child to stay safer on the platform.
This video will help you to understand why children and young people enjoy live streaming platforms and what they can do to help keep them safe whilst using them by sharing our new video guide.
Social Media
Children love to socialise and as they get older, they will want to stay in touch with their friends online.
This activity pack explores how they can stay safe while connecting with others on social media apps and platforms:
This video explores social media, the risks and what you can do as a parent of carer to help your child be safe.
Jesse and Friends
Jesse and Friends is a series of three animations aims to give 4-7 year olds knowledge, skills and confidence to help them respond safely to risks they may encounter online. Click below to go to the website.