Offmore Primary School

Welcome to Offmore Primary School


A very warm welcome to Kestrels! Our class teachers are Mrs DiMambro and Mrs Hampson and our wonderful teaching assistant is Mrs Harrell.  


Key information



Our outdoor P.E. lesson will take place every Friday and indoor P.E. will be on a Wednesday. Please make sure your child comes to school in their P.E. kit on these days. Please make sure your child does not wear jewellery on these days and long hair is tied back.

 Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Our expectation is for the children to read five  times per week. Pupils will be entered into a weekly raffle every time they achieve three entries or more in their diary each week. It is important to hear your child read regularly and discuss the books with them. Ask them to recall and retrieve information they have read, discuss how characters may be feeling at different stages of a story or look up new vocabulary and use in a sentence. 

Home learning

The children will receive a new spelling list to practise at home every Monday. They will then be tested on these the following Monday. Spelling lists will also be available on our online platform 'Spelling Shed' along with games to help the children learn their spellings. Login details will be in your child's diary. 

It is very important that our children continue to learn their times tables as it underpins many aspects of our maths curriculum. We use Times Table Rock Stars to set weekly tasks and battles to develop the children's knowledge and instant recall of multiplication tasks. We expect children to go on every day for at least 10 minutes to practise their tables. Top scorers each week will be presented with a certificate in assembly as well as the class with the highest percentage of logins each week. Come on, Kestrels!

Maths homework will be set on our online platform, Maths Flex. The children will be set a number of tasks to work through linked to the maths topic they are working on in school. This is a brilliant diagnostic tool and will differentiate questions for your child from an initial assessment when each unit is set. Children should attempt to log on for a short period each day to complete sections of the unit over the course of each term.

Sometimes we may set homework linked to our wider curriculum and will notify you of this.  

Learning Powers

The children can earn points for using their learning powers. These include:

Busy Bee power- given for active learning, such as being focused.

Unicorn powers are given for playing and exploring, using a 'can do' approach.

Magnifying powers are given for creating and thinking critically, such as using learning walls independently to further own learning.


Useful resources 

Our Topic

Click below to see what we are learning about:

Upper Key Stage Two - Parents information - What are your children learning?

Photos of our learning environment and amazing work: