Offmore Primary School

Welcome to Offmore Primary School


Year 6 - Eagles


The class teacher is Miss Ralph with the fantastic teaching assistant Mrs Bourne. We strive to be the best we can be, and set an outstanding example to the rest of the children in school, staff and visitors.


Key information


We have indoor PE on Monday afternoon and outdoor PE on a Wednesday afternoon so please make sure you come in your kit. 

Some children will be attending swimming “top-up”sessions in the Autumn term on Friday afternoons. Please see the school prospectus for the correct PE kits. Long hair MUST be tied up at all times- not just during PE lessons.

We are very lucky to have our very own forest at Offmore and you can often find us at forest school; creating and learning through being outdoors. If we go to forest school we need to make sure we wear old clothes and suitable footwear. We will let you know when this is needed.

We expect the children to be read every day at home and for it to be recorded in their reading diary.

Reading Diaries are collected in every Thursday and the expectation is to read at least three times a week AND get the diaries signed by an adult.  It can include any genre of book, comics, newspapers, fiction, non-fiction or whatever takes their fancy.  We just want it to be a pleasurable time for them and to develop a love of reading.  We really enjoy listening to the children's conversations about the books they are enjoying at home.

Home learning


Homework is set weekly and can be maths, English, or topic related. Spellings, reading and TT-RockStars are daily expectations as well as the written homework. Diaries need to be in school everyday, as messages can be sent to and from home/school, to set homeowrk in, and also the children have all of their logins for the computing programmes in these- which we need most days.


Learning Powers

The children can earn points for using their learning powers. These include:

Busy Bee power- given for active learning, such as being focused.

Unicorn powers are given for playing and exploring, using a 'can do' approach.

Magnifying powers are given for creating and thinking critically, such as using learning walls independently to further own learning.


Useful resources 




Our Topics


 Click below to find out more:

Upper Key Stage Two- What are your children learning?


Photos of our learning environment and amazing work: