Offmore Primary School

Welcome to Offmore Primary School

Safeguarding at Offmore Primary School

Here at Offmore Primary School we believe that protecting the children in our care is the absolute priority of all stakeholders. As a school we work hard to ensure that the safeguarding of all of our children permeates every aspect of the children's school experience and  every area of the curriculum. It is our fundamental belief that without ensuring this level of safety and well being, education will never be successful.

Safeguarding at Offmore goes beyond policy and procedure, it is at the heart of everything the school does and the priority of all staff who work within school. Children are taught to understand that they have the power to keep themselves safe and that if they do not feel safe, they have a group of trusted, reliable adults who will always listen and act to protect them.

All staff and volunteers in school receive guidance and training to ensure they are able to support any child that they suspect may be experiencing abuse or at risk of harm. As a school we work cooperatively with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of our children. We ensure that concerns we have about pupils are discussed with parents/carers first- unless we have reason to believe that such an action would be contrary to the child's welfare.

Please click here to see our most up to date policy

At Offmore Primary School, it is never alright to do nothing.


NSPCC- Pants. The underwear rule.

When's the right time to talk PANTS?

You know your child better than anyone. And you'll know when they're ready and how much detail to go into. Some parents found these moments helped them start the conversation:

  • bathtime, applying cream or when getting your child dressed 
  • car journeys
  • going swimming and saying that what's covered by swimwear is private
  • during a TV show that features a sensitive storyline
  • singing along to our PANTS song with Pantosaurus.



Useful links:

'Get Safe' leaflet for parents

Family Front door: When and how to report a concern.