Offmore Primary School

Welcome to Offmore Primary School

Our Offmore Vision

At Offmore Primary school, we  believe that we are extremely privileged to be able to support and encourage learners who will grow to achieve their full potential. We want all children to develop a love of learning and a self belief that says 'I can be anything I want to be.' We want children to develop in every way; to grow in confidence, to develop  a sense of responsibility, to have a respect for others and to understand themselves, their feelings and their dreams.

Offmore is about partnerships , about working together. Teachers, children, school , families and community all working together with the highest expectations and common goal that every pupil deserves the opportunity to succeed. 

Finally, Offmore is about family, about belonging and feeling valued, nurturing and feeling secure. It is about facing challenges and taking a leap of faith all the time  knowing if you fall, there is someone trusted and safe to catch you.

To achieve this we have six core principles:                                            

  • Provide our pupils with a safe, caring, happy, challenging yet supportive, rich learning environment where everyone feels valued, every child is an individual and the whole child can develop and flourish intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially.
  • Ensure quality teaching and learning constantly takes place throughout the school and that the highest standards are expected in all aspects of school life.
  • Deliver a stimulating, exciting curriculum that enables us all to enjoy learning, make progress and achieve our full potential by developing a positive attitude towards  the power of education.
  • Nurture our pupils to enable them to become independent, confident life-long learners.
  • Ensure every child feels safe, secure and happy.
  • Make school a fun, exciting place to be.



At Offmore Primary our core value is... respect!

Here we have two of our pupils, who have gained one of our prestigious respect badges. Here they tells us why she received it...

