Offmore Primary School

Welcome to Offmore Primary School

Primary Sports Funding

Primary Schools receive Physical Education and Sport Premium funding based on the number of pupils in Years One to Six.  The money has been provided to enable schools to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of physical education and sports they offer.

Offmore Primary School fully understands the vital role physical development and sport play in a child’s education.  As part of our on going evaluation of our curriculum we look carefully at how we can improve the physical development of our children and the provision we offer our children. 

We encourage all children to have an active lifestyle and take part in school clubs, competitions and events. We understand that there are so many benefits for giving children the skills to be healthy fit individuals. We use sport and team work to enhance all learning skills and to ensure mental health and wellbeing are fit and healthy too !

Strategic Use of Funding:

  • Increase teachers’ subject knowledge so that there is consistently good teaching in PE.
  • Promote approaches to learning that build physical development and core skills as integral elements
  • Achieve high participation for all and improve performance, including the promotion of elite performers
  • Help combat the rising rate of sedentary lifestyles and childhood obesity by successfully implementing strategies to promote pupils’ health and well-being
  • Create a culture where physical development and sport are valued.

sport premium 23 24.pdf


2022-2023 Sports Premium Funding:

evidencing the impact of the primary pe and sport premium document 2022 23 final.pdf


2021-2022 Sports Premium Funding:

evidencing the impact of peassp 2021 22.pdf


2020-2021 Sports Premium Funding:

evidencing the impact of the primary pe and sport premium document 2020 21 final.pdf

2019-2020 Sports Premium Funding:

sports premium funding 2019 20.pdf

2018-2019 Sports Premium Funding:

pe and sport premium 2018 review and update .pdf

Worcestershire Sports Partnership- Stay in, Work out!

We are delighted to announce that Offmore Primary School has been awarded a School Games Mark award recognising our efforts to promote physical activity and keep our school community active since Lockdown.

Our super children and families have worked hard to keep active and fit during Lockdown. Each week Teachers have sent out challenges provided by the Wyre Forest Sports Partnership. The challenges have ranged from collecting socks to make pairs, spotty dogs, skipping, throwing challenges, target challenges and many more. Lots of our children have sent their Teachers photos of them walking, cycling, on their trampolines and finding many interesting ways to get their exercise during these difficult times.

Well done to everyone and please keep up the good work. Physical activity is so important and helps us all with our health and mental well- being. Remember take care of your body and it will take care of you!

Be smart, Be proud, Be Offmore. !!!!

sg 2020 virtual certificate.pdf

 Sports Mark

We have been awarded the School Games Silver Award. This award recognises the sporting opportunities provided by the school through: after school clubs, house and inter-school  competitions such as our 3/4 tag rugby festival ,activities provided at break and lunchtimes.

In the year 2019-2020 we are absolutely determined to turn our silver in to GOLD !

Sports Crew

We are incredibly proud of our 'Sports Crew' a group of talented and committed children who are easily identified by their bright orange hoodies. The Sports crew support all of our sporting events such as sports day, inter house competitions and our termly whole school run around the estate. They plan events, put out equipment, encourage all participants  and are excellent role models. They give up their time, have boundless energy and are a credit to our school.

Celebrating sporting successes at Offmore


Year 3/4 Tag Ruby competition at Kidderminster Carolians

Sports Celebration of achievement- Year 3/4 Tag Rugby team

Year 5/6 Tag Rugby festival

Sports Celebration of achievement- Year 5-6 Football league team

Sports Celebration of achievement- Year 5-6 Rugby team

Sports Celebration of achievement- Year 5-6 Football festival girls

 Wyre Forest Cross Country competition


 Our exilerating new trim trail

 The children are very lucky at Offmore to have had a new Trim Trail built up on the field. Trim Trails include equipment that strengthen the upper body, lower body, improve coordination and get your heart beating. Trim Trails are a very effective form of exercise.

"Performing physical activities can give a boost to children’s confidence around the playground and throughout the day. By committing towards an activity, children feel a lot happier with themselves when they can perform the activity with no problem. Exercise is known for improving confidence on the playground and encouraging children to interact with each other. These structures can also be used as props in role play and imaginative playground activities where kids make up their own games and scenes."

"As well as this, the feeling of satisfaction of completing a difficult task can be achieved through these types of activities. Knowing this, it’s easy to see why students can feel an increase in confidence on the playground and how supervisors and carers can notice this change. Out of most activities, trim trails always seem to do a great job at engaging children’s attention and helping them build on their confidence."


















Club Links

Learn to ski

Kidderminster football for girls

Junior Golf Academy



 For further information on the use of Sports Premium funding please use the following links.

2018-19 - Sports Premium Funding

Govenment Sports Funding Guidance

newsletter spring 1 2020.pdf