Offmore Primary School

Welcome to Offmore Primary School


At Offmore Primary School, we are preparing children for the technological world they live in and for the future working world they will be a part of. We teach them the value of the internet and the fantastic opportunities and resources it provides. At the same time as celebrating the technological opportunities that the internet provides, we also teach the children that it can be misused and help them to understand that once something is part of cyber space, it never disappears. We apply the ethos of mutual respect to all we do at Offmore and this is evident in every aspect of our curriculum. Internet safety is no different, the children understand and are taught how to take responsibility for themselves and what they view and post online. As a school that has good links with our community, we have held regular internet safety discussions with parents where we share best practice, discuss experiences and concerns and explore a range of resources that can support with being a parent in a technologically ever changing age.

 How can you help as parents?

Early use of digital technology has been shown to improve language skills and promote children’s social development and creativity.

But it’s not without risks for young children, who may come across inappropriate content or begin to copy what older children do online. See the video below to understand what you can do to give young children the best experience of going online.

We are also aware that many children of primary school age have access to mobile internet technology such as smart phones and tablets, which they can use to access social networking sites such as Whatsapp, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok and YouTube. The minimum age to have an account on these sites is more often above primary school age. If you would like any more information on this, we have included parents' guides below to these sites.

whatsapp guide for parents.pdf


tik tok guide for parents.pdf


snap chat guide for parents.pdf


roblox guide for parents.pdf

youtube guide for parents.pdf

 Are you brave enough to take a short 5 minute course about being online safe?



If you see something or become aware of an online danger, you can report it to CEOP (Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre) who will investigate the concern.  

We also strongly recommend that you consider how safe the internet environment is for your children at home. Take a look by using the link below. 

 Be an Internet Legend


At Offmore we have become Internet Legends. We had Google come and visit us in KS2 to deliver an assembly. It was very interactive and great fun. We also learnt how to be internet safety legends. 


Why don't you see if you can become an Internet Legend. Click on the link below:

Internet Legend Game

Safer Internet Day 2024

At Offmore we celebrate Safer Internet Day. This year, the theme is: Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’.

This will become a key part of our curriculum from Reception to Year 6.

What is Safer Internet Day?

Safer Internet Day aims to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively. It is a global campaign celebrated in over 140 countries around the world. In the UK, Safer Internet Day is coordinated by the UK Safer Internet Centre and the celebration sees hundreds of organisations get involved every year since 2011 to help promote a safer and a better internet for all.




Zap and Zoom - A Space Race - film for 3-7 year olds

An online safety video for children ages 3-7.

Data Detective - film for 7-11 year olds

We've created a Virtual Reality app, Digital Detectives, that allows 7-11 years to explore a virtual house while learning about consent online and the ways in which their information might be shared online. 

Digital Parenting: How to promote E-Safety at home - not just on Safer Internet Day, but all year round!

 We have also included links to a number of mobile operator's sites that have sections of their website dedicated to E-Safety.

NSPCC- Keeping children safe online

EE- keeping children safe online

02- online support