Offmore Primary School

Welcome to Offmore Primary School

Pastoral support at Offmore.

Meet Leah- Our Pastoral Lead  who offers a breadth of support and a listening ear to our families.

Offmore Primary School is fully committed to the protection and nurturing of all our children. We provide an inclusive, safe environment where our children can develop into responsible, confident, self-aware young people with the skills to cope as they face challenges ahead of them on their journey to through school and beyond.

Leah Walch is our Pastoral Support Worker,  Leah is an experienced family support worker and can help families with any difficulties they may be facing either in school or at home, including children's behaviour, emotional stress, worry / anxiety, financial difficulties / budgeting, family breakdown, internet safety / staying safe online, routines, family life and more.

Leah offers pastoral support and guidance to all our children promoting their well being by working with parents/carers, key school staff and external agencies where appropriate. Parents can meet with Leah to discuss any concerns they have, both about school and in their day-to-day lives. Children are encouraged to approach Leah at any time if they feel in need of her support.

As part of school provision, Leah runs a lunch club which is a nurturing environment where children can access extra support, confidence building, help with friendships.

Our Pastoral aims are: 

  • To maintain a safe environment where children feel able to discuss their feelings and concerns and parents are confident that any issues they wish to discuss will be handled appropriately and with discretion. 
  • To work with children to enhance their confidence and self-worth and supporting them in developing resilience. 
  • To ensure that children feel valued and that they respect the views of others. 
  • To encourage children to show respect and understanding of those whose culture, beliefs or lifestyle may be different from their own. 
  • To ensure there is good communication between school, parents/carers and external agencies where appropriate.
  • To encourage children to take responsibility for their own actions
  • To support children to develop an understanding of themselves as individuals, as well as developing a respect and understanding of other people and their needs.
  • To help children gain an understanding of the world in which they live and support them in preparing for the next stages of their lives.


Leah works in school on a Monday to Thursday and has her own private space where parents / families can come and discuss anything they are concerned about in relation to their child. Younger siblings who are not at school are always welcome to come along to.

Please do continue to discuss any concerns you have with your child’s class teacher.  They may suggest that you come and discuss any problems with me if they feel this might be helpful.

Contact Leah

Please get in touch by telephoning the school office to book an appointment.

You can also email Leah at .



We are also very lucky to have extra pastoral support from Stewart Johnstone. Stewart is a very experienced teacher with years of behavioural and pastoral support experience. Stewart works with us two days a week, he works with assigned children who may need support with making choices, may need a self esteem boost or might just need someone extra to chat to. Stewart looks at aspects of a child's behaviour or experiences that might make learning  more challenging and he works with the individual child to create strategies to help them achieve the very best they can. Stewart also runs regular 'talk about' clubs and can be seen refereeing football matches and running all of our football teams- an all round Offmore legend !


 Useful links and videos

Positive parenting guide.

positive parenting 1 .pdf


 Educational Psychology support for children 0-25

Educational psychology support services